Joseph Park Sneek Peek

Joseph Park "Cloak" oil on panel (in progress shot)
We are thrilled to host a show by painter Joseph Park later this year- we thought we'd over up a sneak peek to those unfamiliar with his stunning painting technique...
"Joseph Park’s new body of work is the culmination of technical
explorations and inquiries into modes of perception that fracture
subject and ground. He has created a stylistic approach he calls
"Prizmism". Inspired by J. G. Ballard's 'A Crystal World', where a
mysterious and inexorable process that transforms all living things
into crystalline forms creates a new reality of perpetual stasis.
Park has developed material and technical approaches that create a kaleidoscopic layering of swirling viscera underneath hard edged refraction, and created a methodology that enables him to furtherexplore this alternate universe."
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